Monday, January 9, 2012


I know, I'm very very bad, but I cast on another project today...  I needed something easy and that I could carry around, and the cardigan is easy, but it's so big that I can't exactly put it in my purse...  So I went ahead and cast on the Hitchhiker shawl/scarf (or on Ravelry). It was designed to be used with a Wollmeise and that's exactly what I'm doing. I bought a skien at Loop in London in the Johannisbeer und Brennessel colourway. The pattern is super easy (though I actually managed to mess it up!! Instead of having 8 rows per repeat, I managed to knit 10. I realized about 8 repeats in and won't rip back, it looks just fine.) and I'm loving how it turns out.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! It looks fantastic. Plus it has inspired me to get back to my crochet now that events have calmed down around here.
