I know, I'm very very bad, but I cast on another project today... I needed something easy and that I could carry around, and the cardigan is easy, but it's so big that I can't exactly put it in my purse... So I went ahead and cast on the Hitchhiker shawl/scarf (or on Ravelry). It was designed to be used with a Wollmeise and that's exactly what I'm doing. I bought a skien at Loop in London in the Johannisbeer und Brennessel colourway. The pattern is super easy (though I actually managed to mess it up!! Instead of having 8 rows per repeat, I managed to knit 10. I realized about 8 repeats in and won't rip back, it looks just fine.) and I'm loving how it turns out.
Yes! It looks fantastic. Plus it has inspired me to get back to my crochet now that events have calmed down around here.