Saturday, December 31, 2011

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Welcome to 2012!!

I've decided, quite a while ago that 2012 was going to be great.  I'm not sure why and how, but I've stuck to that belief throughout 2011 and I will keep believing to it until proof of the contrary.  

And some time ago I also decided that I would do my share to make 2012 positive: I was inspired by my aunt Sylvie's 30 days of Thanksgiving and by a post by Marianne. I will therefore write a post every day in 2012 (except for the odd day when I am travelling and not able to find a connection) and write about what I am thankful or grateful for. They might not be long, but they will make me sit down at some point every day, no matter how crazy things are and how tired and fed up I am (I have a very busy 2012 planned and I'm not sure I'm going to enjoy it), and think about the things that are good in my life, or in my day, or in my house, or coming from my computer (or iPad, thank you Santa!) or just good. 

This blog will essentially remain a knitting/spinning blog though, with the added positive inspiration of my daily thanksgiving. I hope to use it a lot more regularly again because I do miss it, and I would really like to include the odd podcast now and again. We'll see, but now that I have my iPad, I'm all ready to record, the question will just be to see if I have time to knit and spin.  One of the main reasons why I had almost stopped blogging was that I felt that I wasn't doing it regularly and kind of lost my mojo, but it's all very silly and since I will be writing once a day anyway, it will be on my mind and at the tip of my fingers. 

Knitting and spinning provides me with all sorts of pleasure. I've also made a resolution when it comes to my fiber activities, and that is to stick to doing whatever the hell I want.  Somehow, as people found out that I was knitting, some fell they could request, more or less insistantly, knitted items and I've never liked that. I do give knitting items away, but I want to do it on my terms.  So there, I will keep doing that. 

So I wish everyone who reads this (and everyone else for that matter) a very, very happy, adventurous and prosperous (in any way you wish) 2012, and I will be back tomorrow for my first day of thanksgiving. 

1 comment:

  1. Lovely post and very inspirational - I look forward to reading your daily thoughts and trust that 2012 will, as planned, be fabulous for you!
