Today I'm thankful for the information
that is available to us through the internet, and the freedom to make
decisions based on that information. Earlier during the day I was
about to use the contribution of an internet user (legally of course)
and was curious about who this person was. A couple of clicks took
me to a page where she describes herself as a rather radically
conservative American. Not the kind who feels strongly about free
market economics and smaller goverment, more the «socially
conservative» who believes the economy should be judged on the
colour of the president's skin... So I took the (rather easy)
decision not to use her contribution because I just didn't want to
give her and her ideas more exposure. My gesture today was tiny and
probably will have no measurable impact whatsoever, but in fact we
make these decisions often, every day. Whether we pass on a story
via FB (or decide not to pass it on), tell someone we know to «check
this or that on the internet», e-mail a link or comment directly on
a website, we make such decisions and I think it's great that we can get information about them and use that information.
I am so impressed with your vow to blog daily! Enjoying the posts. (Have duly admired you also in my under-used blog!)