Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I am thankful for: a happy end

Today did not go well. First, I had a heated debate with my spunky toddler about getting ready to do to daycare (we made it, with a bit of the day care sandwich eaten on the way), and then, on the way back from day care I crashed the car. Yes, again. And it was the same kind of crash. I came in behind another car, nice and slow, and then my car wouldn't stop. The more I hit the breaks the more the tires skid on the ice and the next thing you know I had crashed into the car in front. The car in front was fine because they had a hanger arm, so that took the hit, and our car is slightly bent out of shape, but not too bad. I saw the crash coming so I braced myself and other than being sore all over I'm fine. Yes, yes, yes, I will go to the doctor's just to make sure my back is ok, but I'm fine. And then to top it all off, I had a class with its usual mix of good students and others who do absolutely nothing but talk back.

So overall, a humongously bad day. However, the evening was much better. My toddler (in a much better mood) and I had a long cuddle/tickle on the couch, and then I knitted, watched a podcast and just relaxed my body as it tries to recover from the trauma. In the end no one got hurt, some students learned something and the peace has been reestablished at home.

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