Saturday, February 25, 2012

I'm thankful for: Someone else cleaning

(Post for Thursday.  I may not write them every day, even though I really try, but they always refer to the right day because I still always take the time at the end of the day to think about what I'm thankful for.)

Today we had a cleaning crew (two people) come and clean our house. It was much, much needed. We've gotten cleaning people on and off but someone they all leave (pregnancy, departure back to home country, job...) and then we end up with no one and think it will be ok but it's nice. 

I know that cleaning isn't at the top of very many people's list of fun things to do, but for us it's a bit more of a hassle. I'm often too tired to do any of it, so hubby is stuck doing almost if not all of it. Then we have a house with three floors, a cat and a toddler. It was just nice to see that the house was getting (very well) cleaned, and that the money I've been making subbing lately was going towards making our home nice and fresh. I'm just thankful that we can afford to have our house cleaned, and also thankful for the job the two people did. Yes they get paid for it, but they really did a great job and were very pleasant to deal with. It's a relief and a peace of mind knowing we now have someone we can rely on.

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