Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I am thankful for: B.

I've been a student on and off (mostly on actually) for a very very long time, and obviously there are many things I like about being a student. One of those things are my fellow students, and one type of student I particularly like are the ones who challenge me. I've always enjoyed being in classes with smarter students or outspoken students (even better if it's a combination of the two), with students who work more and are better prepared, because they give me something to aim for. They show me the way, they speak up and question, they engage other students and I just enjoy the challenges they propose. I have, on rare occasion, been at the head of the class and I never liked it. I just always felt like I wasn't being pushed and that I was in that position for lack of "competition" (though I never consider school a competition, apparently it is one...). 

In my studies to be a certified teacher there are a few students who challenge me in those ways, and I always look forward to seeing them in class. I know that once their hand is up something good is going to happen: I'm going to have to think. And even better, I'm going to have to think in a different way because the way I had thought about the course material has just been questioned. On top of that, as is the case in this class, I'm also going to be greated by a big smile that will stop my sourpuss "why do we have to be here" attitude right in its tracks and make me grateful for being there. 

One of those students I always look forward to seeing is B. and I found out today that she passed away on February 5th. Beyond the shock and sadness I am thankful for having met her, albeit too briefly, and for the impact she had on me, both as a student in the programme and as a person.

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