Thursday, January 26, 2012

I am thankful for: a nap

I love naps. I always have. It's like a bit of heavenly peace and quiet in the middle of a bustling day. It's also a way to enjoy the evening by not being completely exhausted all the way to when I go to bed. I take a nap on most days when I can, and today I made time. I was supposed to be at uni but I was tired and thought the fatigue of the past few days was going to catch up with me, and I had the beginning of a big headache, so I just put all other plans on hold, or to the side, or just threw them out and had a wonderful nap. 

And as expected it made my evening much better. I had dinner with my toddler, spoke to hubby (who was going out for a dinner with work), and then enjoyed a quiet evening of knitting and television. It doesn't sound like I would need a nap for that, but the fact that I was able to enjoy the evening fully instead of wanting to crawl under a rock was all due to that wonderful hour or two I spent resting in the middle of the day.

I'm often thankful for a "lighter" schedule: thankful that I can afford to work as much as my body allows and not have to force myself to do more, thankful that it gives me more time with my toddler, that it gives me time to knit and do things I enjoy, and generally that it gives me time to take time for myself. And on days like today, I am also thankful my schedule allows me to take a nap.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not so much into naps but I need slow awakenings in the morning: time to try and get back into a pleasant dream, or just enjoy the physical comfort of my bed, listening for the wonderful sound of rain or howling wind. When I start thinking of what has to be done during the day I know that I am fully awake and that it is time to get up.
