Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I am thankful for: my little engine that could

Today was another full day of subbing, of running up and down, of trying to find classes I had never been too and arriving on time (the school moved into its new building after the Christmas break, and as I'm subbing, I need to go to classes I normally don't go to), and finally of walking home (in the cold, and more problematic, on hard, hard ice).

And yet when I got home today I didn't feel nearly as exhausted as I had on Tuesday. I thought the week would just get worse and worse, and that the week-end would barely be enough to recover, but it looks like my body recovered well during the night and gave me a full day's worth of energy. I've had a few long-lasting struggles with my body, but at the end of the day, despite the occasional breakdown and the need for regular monitoring, it's the little engine that could. It doesn't go fast, it's now powerfull, but against all odds it keeps going steadily. 

So many people would change so much about their bodies, but I wouldn't change a thing. I know some people have better looking bodies, and a lot have bodies that work better than mine, but I like mine, and I even trust it, and it's taken a long time for us to understand how to work together, but now we do and I wouldn't swap that special bond for the world. 

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