Saturday, January 7, 2012

I am thankful for: today

I've been thinking about my blog entry throughout the day, trying to pick out «a special moment» to write about (I wonder when I will stop doing that and just start thinking back on the day when I actually sit down to write in the evening, since that's the purpose of it...) and I realized that there is an unexpected problem that has occured on some of the days since I've started.

I am not, by nature, a very optimistic person, and by that I don't mean that I believe only bad things will happen, but I mean that I often see the glass half empty, and I often see the grass being greener on the other side of the fence. (I'm done with cliches now, you can open your eyes again). So I thought that writing about something positive every evening would make dull days, bad days and just plain days better, more interesting or simply more "examined" (as in "the unexamined life is not worth living"), but with a positive angle on the self-examination. What I had not anticipated was that on good days or great days, which I have many of as it turns out (the fact that I had not taken this into consideration proves the point I was just making that I don't necessarily see how good I have it), I am left with a lot of things to be thankful for at the end of the day.

I therefore need to decide what to do on those days. Do I list all the things I'm thankful for? Do I rank them and then take the best? Do I just take one that I haven't written about before in order to keep things interesting? Or, as I will today, do I just content myself with being thankful for a good day full of things to be thankful for?

I'll see how I feel about it the next time it happens.

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