Sunday, August 29, 2010

Yes, you CAN knit bread!!

I don't remember exactly how the idea came up, but Anna and I decided on day that for the knitting club party, we would try to bake a knitted piece of bread. We checked the web for some inspiration and found noodle knitting and bacon knitting, but no bread knitting. So armed only with enthuisasm and an open mind, we set out to created a baked masterpiece.

First we mixed the ingredients and kneaded the bread

Then we "spun" the dough into yarn

The cast-on

Perfect collaboration!

First row is cast-on

First couple of rows. The dough was quite elastic,
so it didn't break and knitting went quite smoothly.

Spinning was hard work!

Making good progress! We didn't think we
would make such a long knitted piece.

A little break :-)

After a while the knitted piece was too heavy to be lifted
so we put it on a baking sheet and turned it back and forth.

And in the oven for about 15-20 minutes



  1. Wow, that is amazing! I wouldn't have thought that would work. Good for you! How fun. :-)

  2. very funny ! and very courageous tu try to do that !! Bravo !!

  3. That is SO COOL!!!

  4. Very cool. Did you eat it with jam and butter?
